Thoughts from the journey of one Christian sailor.
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My 25 Theses
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Submit posts and ideas
Want me to write on a particular topic? Interested in writing your own post for the blog? Your ideas are more than welcome!
I only have a few stipulations if you'd like me to publish your writing:
1. Whatever you submit must be your original work.
2. Please specify whether your post is designed for the main blog, or for the "Randomness" category. Note that main-blog ideas must be in some way related to your personal faith journey, whereas Randomness articles can be about anything.
3. I will probably edit and/or propose changes to your work. Please never take my suggestions as criticism, I'm simply trying to help you convey the clearest possible meaning behind your idea.
4. I reserve the right to refuse to publish things which I find objectionable or inconsistent with the message of this site.
Guest-writing is a wonderful way to get your ideas and/or personal message of encouragement out to a wider audience. It also helps me by reducing the burden to constantly generate my own content.
If you simply have a question/comment directed at me, please use the email contact button instead (the button is at the top of every page).
I look forward to hearing from you!
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