Eli stood on the front patio of the restaurant, staring confoundedly at Caroline’s retreating back as she stalked disgustedly away towards the parking lot. He had saved for two whole months to set aside enough money to pay for tonight’s dinner reservation. His planning had been meticulous to the point of obsession; everything had to be perfect. He had left nothing to chance, double-checked the reservation daily, had even paid extra to ensure the table was stocked with flowers. Alas, the waterfront table on the verandah would obviously not be seating any guests tonight. What had he done to set her off so badly? He wondered in silent amazement.
“Excuse me sir,” the maitre d’ tapped him tentatively on the shoulder. Eli turned to see him waiting with an apologetic look on his face; obviously he had witnessed the humiliating spectacle from the foyer. “I’m very sorry, sir, but if you don’t claim your reservation in the next five minutes, we’ll have to give up your table to another party, we’re over-booked tonight.”
“Excuse me sir,” the maitre d’ tapped him tentatively on the shoulder. Eli turned to see him waiting with an apologetic look on his face; obviously he had witnessed the humiliating spectacle from the foyer. “I’m very sorry, sir, but if you don’t claim your reservation in the next five minutes, we’ll have to give up your table to another party, we’re over-booked tonight.”