This is in no way biblical.
While there are a few planks in the Democratic platform which are unequivocally evil, such as late-term abortion, there is really no room for argument that Republicans are always right. This is particularly true when they're defending the death of children in U.S. custody as vehemently as any ultra-liberal, pro-choice activist.
Politics cannot save our society. The Gospel, responsibly preached and correctly applied, can. To argue that there is a biblical justification for the oppression of orphans, widows, and sojourners is to self-hypnotically recite talking points from our modern propaganda outlets like Breitbart and Fox news. I'm not sure how many times I can say this:
The Gospel is Supposed to be Apolitical.
I was raised in a Wesleyan church. To spare you a boring history lecture, the Wesleyan movement was born out of the Methodist church when a group of ministers disagreed with the Methodist church's decision to bar its preachers from speaking out against slavery in the 1850s. These men of conviction decided that, if the Gospel be true, they had a moral obligation to fight verbally (and even physically as the country descended into civil war) against the evils of human oppression and exploitation.
I believe there is absolutely a place for politically active faith. It just sickens me to see that many who share my belief in the Gospel have lost sight of the precepts it espouses, which are NEVER in favor of bigotry, racism, or the denigration and disregard for the downtrodden.