Many conservative type people are sounding the gongs of dismay because they think we now live in a dystopian, 1984-style society. I think that's hilarious, considering the former administration was blasting lies from day one (inaugural crowd size, anyone?) and didn't stop even after people violently stormed the US Capitol on baseless allegations of election fraud. My preferred dystopian metaphor has always been Huxley's Brave New World, because realistically I think that's where Christian conservatives are headed in the future: banished to the outer wilds, away from "modern" civilization.
As long as you're content to live in the countryside, I don't see anyone coming out to bother you. City dwellers like myself are very happy with our diversions and amusements. The word "amuse" itself is remarkable in this context, since its Greek morphology denotes "a-" as the absence of and "muse" as in thinking, pondering, or being creative. We liberal city dwellers will be content in the future to take our soma (a mind and emotion-numbing drug in Huxley's world), live promiscuously, and laugh at the "savages" who live outside the mainstream.
What should concern you, dear Christian conservatives, is that by removing yourselves to the outer reaches of society, you have become roughly as quaintly remarkable as the Amish. Your ways are strange and backwards, and anyone who flees your insular culture for the big city will be taken in with open arms. That's essentially what happened when I moved from Augusta, GA to the D.C. metro area.
I've previously made it clear that I was always anti-Trump from the very beginning of his candidacy. You conservatives sold out your Biblical values to install an absolute child and clown, hoping the political ends would justify the means. Before applying to Georgetown was ever a thought in my mind, I knew for a fact that that man was a fraud and an embarrassment to conservative values. It didn't require any "liberal indoctrination" by higher education for me to realize that this man was the pied piper for stupid people. It's tragic that so many people I love and respect, many of them college-educated, were swept up by bravado and lies.
You are now collectively faced with the choice of either admitting you were bamboozled by a used car salesman, or never being listened to again. My prayer is that you will choose the former, so that hopefully the Republican party can be rebuilt around humble, Christ-following people who merely believe in small government, the sanctity of life, and personal responsibility. If you keep clinging to conspiracy theories about millions of fraudulent votes and voting machines (which have all been soundly disproved in every single court where those cases were heard), you will never be listened to by society again.
For the sake of the Gospel, and for the sake of preserving the party I called home my entire young life, I am pleading with all of you to put Jesus Christ, and not Donald Trump, back onto the throne of your life. Trump lied to you at every turn, used his office almost exclusively for his personal gain, and tried his best to become a real and true dictator by sending his staunchest acolytes on a mission of violence against our democratic process. That's not Christianity.
There now remains the work of trying to rebuild.
Nehemiah was a book all about rebuilding. After obtaining permission from Artaxerxes to return to Jerusalem and inspect his ruined hometown, Nehemiah knew he had his work cut out for him: